Tuesday, 26 August 2008

1v1 Arabia

In this post I will try to give my experience and how I play a 1v1 Arabia especially with Huns,then I will extrapolate it to other civilizations.First part of the post will be about micro-management of the resources, and the next part will be scouting and other minute details like map etc.

Micro-Management of Resources
As the game starts,my first move is always H-CCC,queuing vils in my tc.Next will be to find the 4 nearest sheep. Initially, I will take wood with the 3 vils or explore with 1 vil for a sheep.As soon as I get the 4 sheep,I will explore with 2 sheep and bring the other two to my tc.Drop all the wood in the tc and start having sheep beneath the tc.Next 3 vils also eat sheep.Next vil goes to the nearest forest,builds a lumbercamp.next 3 vils go to have wood near the lumber.Here the micro is 6-4.Next vil goes to lure the boar,while loom is researched.next four vils go for berries with a mill.Now the micro is 6-4-4.Continue queuing vils on boar and the next boar should be lured when the present boar has 100 food left.Meanwhile I will build a farm as soon as I get 60 wood with the injured vil.After I reach pop=20 I will start queuing vils for a second LC and keep four more for it.Also I will make 3 more farms with injured vils.with pop 24 I click feudal age.
I described the 24 pop feudal above which is easy to execute.You might opt for a different pop feud but that entirely depends on the map and other factors such as what the opponent is doing etc.

I prefer to number the scout as 1 and the tc as 2.In the beginning,I scout and look for basic resources like nearest forest,2 boars,gold and stone mines for the first 4-5 mins. I will see which of the resources are forward,the terrain and go for the forest that is backward.Forward mines are always vulnerable to a forward attack especially the stone mines.After the first 4-5 mins I will look for the enemy at directly the opposite side.If I find a big mine,then the enemy is near.I will carefully move my scout keeping it at a safe distance from enemy tc.I will look for his mines,whether I can do for a forward,the terrain etc.Also I will look at what resources he is taking.Whether he is going for gold or for more farms than expected etc.

Map and other Micros
As soon as you click feudal age,I will scout for enemy forwards and also look at what kind of army he is going for.This can be found out by scouting his army buildings.I will make the exact counter for the army he has.In case I detect a forward,then i will go for 1 rax + 2 archery ranges and protect myself as well as possible.If my map is wall-able,then I will wall,make 1 rax and a stable,Go for 4-5 scouts and try a fast castle.Otherwise the army I make will depend on what the enemy is doing,but I personally prefer 1 rax+1 stable+1 archery.Keep raiding his vils time to time and defend yourself by walling or making tower at forward gold etc.I will do wheelbarrow around 17 mins and build a smithy around the same time.Do researches according to the army.Army micros are very important at this stage and they need to used carefully.Scouting is very important part during this time as you will know when and where to attack .

Actually there are innumerable strategies you can try out.I have just given a brief idea of how I approach a 1v1 arabia.



Anonymous said...

Hi I have a friend that plays with the Franks and he ramps up to Imperial really quickly (around 20 some minutes I know this is not a record) and attacks with a huge amount of Paladins. Do you think this strat would work against him and if so any other tips you would impart since the Frankish Knights have more hp then all other civs would the huns cavalry unit be enough to deal with him? Thanks for your time!

Unknown said...

even if he goes imp in 20 mins..it isnt possible to attack wid huge no. of paladins atleast before 30 mins or so..I hope u r talking about playing with standard resources and standard arabia map..and also remember that paladins require huge amounts of gold.so he cant be continuously making pals unless he trades which is not possible in 1x1..so u start of with helbs and later switch on to some cavalry unit like cavalry archers which require less gold in huns..
but this article stresses on scouting.change ur strategy according to what he is doing.Think and act better.GL

Anonymous said...

Hi same guy that left the last message. Thanks for the tips I am sure they will help a lot. I just wanted to know how quickly you go up in ages when you play so I can see wether I am timing things right. I usually go up to feudal age around 10:30 or 11:40 I know that's the optimum time. But for castle and Imperial age I often take until 20 mins for Castle and 33 mins for imperial is that good times or should I be getting up quicker then this and if so any tips on what I could do to reach the optimum times. Thanks for your time!

Unknown said...

feudal time seems all right..But the castle time reallly depends on what strategy u r using..if u r doing a flush then 24-27 mins catle timing is ok..but if u r doing a fast castle then try for 16 mins castle..imp timing really depends on the fight u do in castle..if u continue ur castle fight till late then even 40 mins imp is ok..a lot depends on wat the enemy is doing..

Rudra said...

I am an amateur...just started and I really want to improve....wat is H-CCC?

Anemia said...

C->Produce villager hotkey

H-CCC= produce 3 vils

Anonymous said...

Very well said bro. But there are lots of difficulties when scouting with 2sheeps and a given scout. I find it difficult to control them and allocate the villagers to their respective works at the same time. my villagers management tends to get worse when i scout with close control over the scouting unit and sheeps. I would love to get more tips on how to control the scouting units (sheeps and a scout) and manage the villagers at the same time.

Unknown said...

the key to that is increasing speed on the keyboard.switching between sc and sheep can be done by using hotkeys.

Anonymous said...

There is this fun game that I played, it's called Roblox. They have a version of AGE OF EMPIRES 3.


I play ROBLOX! as rocketethan7 on ROBLOX